
Showing posts from September, 2020


  A FEW SOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES HAVE SUGGESTED THAT SHAVING OF THE PUBIC HAIR HAS TO DO WITH CULTURAL TRENDS SPAWNED BY CERTAIN HAIRLESS ACTORS AND ACTRESSES OR EVEN A MISGUIDED ATTEMPT AT HYGIENE. Pubic shaving actually originated in ancient Egypt and Greece, when prostitutes had to shave for both hygienic reasons and as a clear sign of their profession. Although female body shaving was established as the norm between 1915 and 1945, pubic hair removal did not actually gain a strong foothold until the 1980’s.   However, a new study shows that 60 % of women had, at least, one health complication incurred from pubic hair removal, typically epidermal abrasion (invisible cuts to the skin) and ingrown hairs. It was also shown to cause severe skin irritation, infections and – according to an older study – increase the spread and transmission of STIs. These are the real reasons why you should not remove your pubic hair: Pubic hair helps control your body temperature. We all know that hair


We are all subject to perpetual doubt. There isn’t a single one of us in the 21st century who can make a decision and be satisfied with it. Irrespective of how long you have been together, doubting the quality of your romance is quite natural. You may have been together for 7 years, but you can still be unconvinced with his ‘I do’ on the marriage aisle. So, what is the key to understanding if he is ‘the one’? 1. HE SUPPORTS YOU IN YOUR ENDEAVORS A good partner will always want the best for you. He SO should be the first one present in your show, the one screaming the loudest from the sidelines. He should hold the power and the desire to help you achieve your true potential. 2. HE IS THE CALMNESS-FACTOR After a day of unforgiving corporate deadlines, you should be able to come home to a pair of welcoming arms. We all have a significant load of storms that we pass through. Our partner should always be the saving grace. 3. HE CONTINUES TO ASK YOU OUT The cutest feeling is knowing tha

If Your Body Suddenly Jerks While You Are Falling Asleep, This Is What it Means

  Our bodies are very interesting things. They can actually inform us when something is not right. One of the things that our body does is twitching before you fall asleep. If this has been happening to you we want to tell you not to panic, you are not the only one. Sometimes, after a long day, you are in your bed and ready to sleep. However, there is a sudden interruption by twitching and this makes you wonder what could be wrong. Just continue reading. The Hypnic Twitch Before Falling Asleep According to scientists, this is known as the hypnic twitch and it resembles a feeling or falling thus making your bodytwitch. Some scientists believe that it might be the consumption of caffeine before bed or certain medications like Adderal and Ritalin. However, this also goes for people who are very exhausted and who finally go to sleep, but too fast. This is due to the fact that the brain cannot keep up with the sleep phases. One hypothesis says that this happens because you are starting


  Ladies, I really think that this is the best marriage advice from a divorced woman – you’ll ever get! This woman been divorced after 7 years of marriage and here’s what she has to say: Ladies, you should always seek out the best in him. You should have sex with him – more often. All the time if need be. Sometimes, you need to seek advice from older, wiser women who have succeeded in their marriages. Sometimes, it’s impossible to make good decisions (especially when we’re emotional). And remember, seeking counsel from your friends who are your own age isn’t as good as counsel from elderly women. Sometimes, you should let him zone out. And remember, your guy is not ignoring you, they just have moments of brain freeze. . NO, it’s not your job to change or fix him. We are all on a journey. Make sure you tell him how big, strong, smart, manly he is – all the time (because they tend to forget). Never forget or take for granted that your man chose you. You should always laugh at his jo

If You Have These Two Holes On The Back You Are Really Special! Here’s What It Says About You…

  Have you ever noticed those to little indentations on the lower back of some people? Maybe you have it as well? Some people have them some don’t, but they can appear in both men and women. These holes are called Venus holes in women and Apollo holes in men and are located in the lower back where two bones connect the pelvis. Venus or Apollo holes appear only in people who are genetically predisposed and have appropriately sized ligaments in the back. If you have them it means that you have good circulation and a healthy body and it also means that it’s easier for you to achieve sexual satisfaction since good circulation is crucial for a healthy sexual life. These curious holes cannot be created with targeted exercise because they’re located in an area with no muscles but if you lose some weight it’s possible for them to appear.

8 Things You Should Not Do To Your Private Part

  Your private part needs much more attention than you think. You must take care of it. Here are 8 things that you should never do to your private part! #1 If you feel something strange in your intimate area, be sure to see a doctor. Do not try to find your diagnosis on the internet. #2 Try not to scratch your private part, if you do not want infections. #3 Never apply perfume to your intimate area. It is meant to apply on your neck, not on your private part. #4 Avoid using aromatic soaps. #5Make sure that you disinfect your private part correctly. You do not want infections, right? #6Narrow clothes and underwear are not the best options for your private part. Your vagina needs to breathe. #7 When you get out of the shower, make sure that you dry your vagina correctly. Do not wear clothes if your private part is still wet. #8 Try to limit sweets and add fruits and vegetables to your diet.


  We feel annoyed when we find people doing regular bodily functions in public like burping or hiccups. The most embarrassing and sometimes a point to laugh is farting in public. Yes, and people can judge you as mannerless if you fart in public. All we know about fart is that it is part of the digestive process. People make weird sounds when they fart and most annoying is the bad smell of fart when it comes out from anybody bum However, there are many other facts related to fart. Here are 12 unknown facts about fart which might be surprising for you. 1. Men are master of farting, not saying in a funny way but it is true that men tend to fart more as compared to women. 2. The word fart was coined in 1962. Its meaning is the wind coming from the anus. 3. A normal person actually farts 14 times in a day. You can keep watch on it. 4. And yes, by farting 14 times a day we actually blow the air which is enough to fill up a balloon.   5. This is not something to be humiliated about as it


Tying the knot with the one who doesn’t even identical to the adult male. Ideal you’ve got fanciful may be one in all the worst mistakes of your life. it’s so terribly tough to be with somebody UN agency doesn’t price and respect you and your decisions, aspirations and dreams. It is not in the least a criminal offense to judge folks, and it’s terribly essential to try to to thus just in case of somebody that you’re willing to marry! many mannerisms ar listed below, and if the person you’re puzzling over defrayal your life with shows quite variety of them, you must not proceed more at any price. 1. THINKS FROM A NARROW PERSPECTIVE A person UN agency doesn’t suppose from a broad perspective will very be a terrible person to marry. Your life may be injured by the negativity that these folks propagate.   2. DOESN’T LIKE ANIMALS optimizelegibility;">We often stumble upon folks that don’t like animals, and it’s suggested to not become involved with them. These folks could even rai

13 Things You Should Never, Ever Do During Your Period

  During their period, women get very emotional and usually complain about everything. Cramps, mood swings and hormonal changes are another problem, sometimes even getting from the bed can be a real challenge. There are certain things that should be avoided while you have your period, and here are some of them: 1. Cooking:  If you cook while you are on your period, you are risking hurting someone. If you are asking why, the answer is simple- while cooking, you probably use a knife or have it somewhere nearby. So, if you get an emotional attack, with a knife in your hand, what do you think it could happen? Not only to you, but to someone else as well. So stay away from the kitchen and order out your dinner while you are on your period. 2. Exercising:  During your period, you got get fat, just bloated. Once it`s over, you`ll be sexy and attractive again. So there`s no need for exercising and staining your workout clothes. 3. Eating chocolate as much as you can:  Avoid this cliché, you do

6 Things That Happen When You Don’t Shower

  Every woman wants to look perfect. That’s why we all make a lot of effort to stay clean, healthy and beautiful. Many women visit their cosmetologists, attend a gym regularly and eat healthy foods. When it comes to looking great every detail is important. That’s why it’s necessary to keep your body clean. However, there people who neglect this stuff and think that it doesn’t matter. This is the biggest mistake. You should know that taking a shower is an important part of your life. In this way you get rid of dirt and body oils. You also enrich your body with moisture. If you skip this procedure you may have various problems. That’s why we have prepared this information for you. Here are 6 things that will happen if you don’t shower.   #1. Bacteria and germs We know that bacteria and germs are everywhere. That’s why it is so important to protect your body from them. The best thing you can do is clean it daily. If you don’t take a shower these tiny creatures will build up on your s